Did you know that it is best practice to have the alignment on your vehicle checked every 6,000 miles? Bad roads can be your wheels’ worst enemy, so if you frequently travel down bad roads with lots of bumps or potholes or have hit a curb or two in the past, then there’s a good chance that your alignment has been affected. Unfortunately, a slight alignment issue can lead to uneven tire wear which you want to avoid at all costs. But no worries, the tire specialists at Pugh’s Tire and Service Center have got you covered when it comes to wheel alignment Greenville NC. Here are a few things to look out for if you think it is time to get your wheels checked out:
You Experience Vibration When Driving
If your steering wheel vibrates while you are driving, there is a good chance that your wheel alignment is off. The vehicle will usually vibrate as a result of your tires pulling in opposite directions of each other. This is most common if you have recently hit a bad pothole or run into a curb. The vibration may be a precursor to a bigger, more serious problem, so get it checked out at Pugh’s before it gets worse.
Your Steering Wheel Pulls One Way When Driving
If your vehicle is slightly pulling to the left or right, you should first make sure that the tire pressure is consistent in each of your tires based on the recommendations in your car’s owner’s manual. If you know that your tire pressure is correct then there is a good chance that the car is pulling one way or another because they are not aligned. A good way to check this is to find a vacant parking lot that does not sit at an angle. While driving slowly in a straight line, let go of the steering wheel to see if the car drifts one way or another. If this happens, then call Pugh’s to schedule your next wheel alignment Greenville NC.
Your Steering Wheel Is Not Straight When Driving On A Straight Roadway
When aligned correctly, your vehicle’s steering wheel should stay centered and never veer to the left or right. If you notice that you are having to constantly correct your vehicle to keep it driving in a straight line, you need to get your wheels aligned.
Your Tire Tread Is Wearing Unevenly
If your wheels are out of alignment, you may notice uneven tread wear on your tires. Check to see if your front tires appear to have the same wear patterns, then do the same for the back tires. If they appear to look different, then your car is likely not aligned. If you aren’t sure, the mechanics at Pugh’s will be more than happy to check the tread for you and perform a wheel alignment Greenville NC if necessary. Pugh’s also has a variety of different tires if you need to purchase new ones.
Pugh’s Tire And Service Center | Wheel Alignment Greenville NC
If you have more questions about wheel alignment Greenville NC, then contact Pugh’s Tire and Service Center today to speak with one of our tire specialists. Pugh's Tire and Service Centers is thrilled to be your local auto repair center and provider of tires in Greenville, Washington, and Williamston, NC.